
Support for Mobile Apps

Downloading the Q941 Mobile App on your iPhone

Q941 is a free download from iOS App Store. You can also go to the App Store, search and install the Q941 app.

Please note that the Q941 app requires iOS version 15.0 or higher.


Downloading the Q941 Mobile App for Android

Q941 is a free download from Google Play.

You can find Q941 on Google Play by searching for Q941, selecting Q941 from the search results and clicking or tapping Install. You can find more information and help on downloading Android apps on the Google Support site here.

Please note: that the latest version of Q941 requires Android version 6.0 or higher.

How do I find out the version of Android on my device?

You can find out what version of Android your device is using by following the steps below. Steps and setting names might differ by Android device.

  1. Select “Settings”
  2. Select “About phone” or “About tablet”

You will see your Android Operating System version, such as Android 7 (Nougat), Android 6 (Marshmallow), etc., listed under Android version.



Trouble Streaming Q941 on iPhone or iPad

If you’re having trouble streaming Q941 on your iPhone or iPad, try these steps:

  1. Power down your phone for 30 seconds, often this will correct most issues.
  2. Update to the latest version of Q941 from the App Store.
  3. Check your network connection. Try streaming a video or opening a website in your phone’s browser. If you’re not able to connect, chances are your connection is too weak to stream on Q941. Try connecting over WiFi until you change locations.
  4. If you’re still having trouble listening to Q941, try deleting and reinstalling the app from the App Store. Often times a fresh installation will fix any issues.

You can also check out Apple’s troubleshooting tips here.


Trouble Streaming Q941 on Android

If you are having trouble streaming Q941 on Android, here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try that may resolve streaming issues:

  • Check your internet connection
    • If you’re streaming over a mobile network, try opening a website in your device’s browser. If you’re not able to connect, your mobile data coverage might not be reliable enough for streaming
    • If you’re streaming over WiFi try rebooting your modem and/or router
    • If you’re streaming over WiFi at work or a business check to make sure streaming services are not blocked
    • If you have any apps running on your device that may also be using your mobile / WiFi connection, close them out and see if this improves your listening experience
  • Try powering your phone off and then back on
  • Check the Google Play Store for the latest version of Q941. If there’s an updated version available, it’ll be listed with an “Update” button



Uninstall the Q941 Mobile App for Android

If you’d like to uninstall the Q941 Mobile App for Android, please see Google Play’s instructions on how to remove an Android app from your device.


Still having problems? 

Q941 Staff are here to help 24/7!  You can email the station at [email protected] or call (318) 255-7941, and we’ll walk you through any problems you’re having!